Welcome this blog!

This is "The secrets corner" blog where you will find interesting material to work with children.
I invite you to explore my blog and add your comment below!

sábado, 21 de enero de 2017

Who I am?

This is Mavi Albeldo and I am Primary English Teacher.

I' ve been working for 4 years in different schools.

Currently I am studying a Master in ICT at UCV.
This website is takes part in the Project of PLN of Master "TIC y la gestión del Aula" subject.
My expectations about this website are to share information and know more things about the world that sourround us.

Hope you enjoy! You can visit http://myownteachingmaterial.weebly.com/ as well.

PLE Design

Ple Design for "TIC y gestión del Aula" Subject

Interesting Resources!

Hi Everyone!

Here you have some activities that you can do with your children in your free time.
But, what kind of activities and resources can we do with our children?
In this post you will find a list of different links to make children having fun with the computer.
Hope you like!



And, if you have some interesting resource and you want let it us know, don't hesatate and write it down below!

Interesting materials

Hi everybody!
I would like to share with you an interesting web that I did to improve my teaching at school teaching ESL. This is another web that is called as this blog.
Here is the link. Hope you like it!


Hello everybody!

Today I would like to talk about books.
Yes, books.
I really like them. You can find them about fantasy, thriller, adventures, love... it's up to you! you can chose the one you like the most.
From my point of view, reading a book it's one of the best ways to travel around the world (and you don't need move from your sofa :P )
For little children, books it's a way to develop their imagination, to believe and create new worlds where everything they dream, can come true.

That's why I leave you the next link where you can see a video about why a good book is a secret door.
I love it!
Enjoy it!

Should religion be taught in public schools?

Well, apart of being Infant and Primary School, I can teach religión and valencian* subject. One day, while I was studying my teaaching degree few months ago, my Religión teacher came into class and shot us the next question: Should religion be taught in public schools?

Suddenly, everybody started to talk about it and gave their opinión. I would like to share with you my point of view. You can be for or agaisnt it, but I just wanted to share will all of you another different opinión that perhaps, apart of know deeply who I am, can help you to understand another points of view. Enjoy it!

In few years, society has realized about the importance that education has to the country development. That’s why government has tried to improve his education law.

If we have a look to the rest of education laws made in the past, we can observe that, slowly, information and communication technology (ICT) is having an important role in the national curriculum. But, why we focus the attention in ICT instead of being worried about the rest of subjects students should learn in the school? Because the quickly development of society ask for children that know how new technologies work to do any job. Somehow we could say that we have become in a technologic dependents. Perhaps in the future, our children know how to send an email o how introduces an slides presentation, but what they won’t know to do is how act by themselves in the real life, because we are showing them that they can get all kind of information with only a click.
And what happens with all that basic knowledge that made us know the world surround us and help us to interpret it? Are the ITC replacing some subjects like music or religion? Or from the beginning until now, shouldn’t religion have been taught during all this years in schools.
It is certain that in Spanish curriculum religion can be taught in schools; but for all those students that don’t want learn religion, can study an alternative subject. The thing is, how can be possible that religion be taught in schools if Spain is an aconfesional secular country? Truly, the vast majority of society declares that they are Catholics, and that’s why government decided children should study religion in public schools.

As far as I’m concerned, religion shouldn’t be taught in public schools because they are free spaces for freedom thinking and to respect all kinds of religion, and not just the most practiced. Otherwise, religion is a “personal subject”, because to teach it, you have to experience it before. It’s really difficult make someone learn to have faith if he or she has never felt it or doesn't know what that is.
 I agree that pupils should learn what kind of religion there is, not just in Spain, if not in the world and which are their rituals and their believes, because this will help them to understand that there are so many religions and points of view as people in the world and they have to learn to respect them to all of them.

Finally, for me, this is the main objective of school and education: create a freedom space to opinion and respect, learning that I can be agreeing or not with the point of view of my classmate, but I must to respect it.